South Africa Film Incentive
In brief, foreign productions which are not co-productions can receive between 20% to 25% of the South African spend, the higher amount depending on the use of minimal post-production facilities. Official co-productions can receive an average of 27% without any mandatory spend in post.
More details:
The South African Government offers a package of incentives to promote its film production and post-production industry. The incentives consist of the Foreign Film and Television Production and Post-Production incentive to attract foreign-based film productions to shoot on location in South Africa and conduct post-production activities, and the South African Film and Television Production and Co-Production incentive, which aims to assist local film producers in the production of local content.
Foreign Film and Television Production and Post-Production Incentive
To encourage and attract large-budget films and television productions and post-production work that will contribute towards employment creation, enhancement of international profile, and increase the country’s creative and technical skills base.
• Shooting on location in South Africa, the incentive will be calculated as 20% of the Qualifying South African Production Expenditure (QSAPE). No cap will apply for this incentive.
• Shooting on location in South Africa and conducting post-production with a Qualifying South African Post-Production Expenditure (QSAPPE) of R1,5 million in South Africa, the incentive will be calculated at 22,5% of QSAPE and QSAPPE (an additional 2,5%, cumulative 22,5%)
• Shooting on location in South Africa and conducting post-production with a QSAPPE of R3 million and above in South Africa, the incentive will be calculated as 25% of QSAPE and QSAPPE (an additional 5%, cumulative 25%).
• Foreign post-production with QSAPPE of R1,5 million, the incentive is calculated at 22,5% of QSAPPE.
• Foreign post-production with QSAPPE of R3 million and above the incentive is calculated at 25% of QSAPPE.
Eligible Enterprises:
Foreign-owned qualifying productions and South African qualifying post-production work with:
• QSAPE of R12 million and above, provided that at least 50% of the principal photography schedule is filmed in South Africa, for a minimum of four weeks.
• QSAPPE of R1,5 million and above, provided that 100% of the post-production is conducted in South Africa, for a minimum of two weeks.
• An applicant must be a Special Purpose Corporate Vehicle (SPCV) incorporated in the Republic of South Africa solely for the purpose of the production and/or post-production of the film or television project.
• An applicant must be the entity responsible for all activities involved in the production and/or post-production in South Africa and must have access to full financial information for the whole production and post-production worldwide.
• Only one entity per production and/or post-production for film, animation and television drama or documentary series is eligible for the incentive.
• The applicant must comply fully with its obligations in terms of the Legal Deposit Act 54 of 1997.
SA Film & TV Production and Co-production
To support the local film industry and to contribute towards employment opportunities in South Africa.
• The rebate is calculated as 35% of the first R6 million of QSAPE and 25% of the QSAPE on amounts above R6 million.
Eligible Enterprises:
• Special Purpose Corporate Vehicles (SPCV) incorporated in the Republic of South Africa solely for the purpose of the production of the film or television project. The SPCV and parent company(ies) must have a majority of South African shareholders of whom at least one shareholder must play an active role in the production and be accredited in that role.
• An applicant must be the entity responsible for all activities involved in making the production in South Africa and must have access to full financial information for the whole production.
• Only one film production, television drama or documentary series per entity is eligible for the incentive.
• The following formats are eligible: feature films, tele-movies, television drama series, documentaries and animation.
• The incentive is available only to qualifying South African productions with a total production budget of R2,5 million and above.
In brief, foreign productions which are not co-productions can receive between 20% to 25% of the South African spend, the higher amount depending on the use of minimal post-production facilities. Official co-productions can receive an average of 27% without any mandatory spend in post.
More details:
The South African Government offers a package of incentives to promote its film production and post-production industry. The incentives consist of the Foreign Film and Television Production and Post-Production incentive to attract foreign-based film productions to shoot on location in South Africa and conduct post-production activities, and the South African Film and Television Production and Co-Production incentive, which aims to assist local film producers in the production of local content.
Foreign Film and Television Production and Post-Production Incentive
To encourage and attract large-budget films and television productions and post-production work that will contribute towards employment creation, enhancement of international profile, and increase the country’s creative and technical skills base.
• Shooting on location in South Africa, the incentive will be calculated as 20% of the Qualifying South African Production Expenditure (QSAPE). No cap will apply for this incentive.
• Shooting on location in South Africa and conducting post-production with a Qualifying South African Post-Production Expenditure (QSAPPE) of R1,5 million in South Africa, the incentive will be calculated at 22,5% of QSAPE and QSAPPE (an additional 2,5%, cumulative 22,5%)
• Shooting on location in South Africa and conducting post-production with a QSAPPE of R3 million and above in South Africa, the incentive will be calculated as 25% of QSAPE and QSAPPE (an additional 5%, cumulative 25%).
• Foreign post-production with QSAPPE of R1,5 million, the incentive is calculated at 22,5% of QSAPPE.
• Foreign post-production with QSAPPE of R3 million and above the incentive is calculated at 25% of QSAPPE.
Eligible Enterprises:
Foreign-owned qualifying productions and South African qualifying post-production work with:
• QSAPE of R12 million and above, provided that at least 50% of the principal photography schedule is filmed in South Africa, for a minimum of four weeks.
• QSAPPE of R1,5 million and above, provided that 100% of the post-production is conducted in South Africa, for a minimum of two weeks.
• An applicant must be a Special Purpose Corporate Vehicle (SPCV) incorporated in the Republic of South Africa solely for the purpose of the production and/or post-production of the film or television project.
• An applicant must be the entity responsible for all activities involved in the production and/or post-production in South Africa and must have access to full financial information for the whole production and post-production worldwide.
• Only one entity per production and/or post-production for film, animation and television drama or documentary series is eligible for the incentive.
• The applicant must comply fully with its obligations in terms of the Legal Deposit Act 54 of 1997.
SA Film & TV Production and Co-production
To support the local film industry and to contribute towards employment opportunities in South Africa.
• The rebate is calculated as 35% of the first R6 million of QSAPE and 25% of the QSAPE on amounts above R6 million.
Eligible Enterprises:
• Special Purpose Corporate Vehicles (SPCV) incorporated in the Republic of South Africa solely for the purpose of the production of the film or television project. The SPCV and parent company(ies) must have a majority of South African shareholders of whom at least one shareholder must play an active role in the production and be accredited in that role.
• An applicant must be the entity responsible for all activities involved in making the production in South Africa and must have access to full financial information for the whole production.
• Only one film production, television drama or documentary series per entity is eligible for the incentive.
• The following formats are eligible: feature films, tele-movies, television drama series, documentaries and animation.
• The incentive is available only to qualifying South African productions with a total production budget of R2,5 million and above.